Indirect rules was introduced into the British West Africa by
A. George Goldie.
B. Frederick Lugard.
C. Donald Cameron.
D. Margery Perham.
The correct answer is Frederick Lugard, which is lettered B and therefore answer space B would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer(s) you wish to change Now answer the following questions
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Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer(s) you wish to change Now answer the following questions
Government Paper I Objective Test Question.
A government performs the following functions except
A. safeguarding Life and property.
B. maintaining law and order.
C. providing ail the needs of its citizens.
D. providing basic welfare needs.
The basic purpose of setting up a State is to
A. maintain law and order.
B. protect foreign interest.
C. promote development.
D. provide social facilities.
A political system in which government Controls every aspect of a citizen’s life is
A. feudalism.
B. monarchy.
C. democracy.
D. totalitarianism.
A political system in which the State owns and Controls the major means of production is known as
A. feudalism.
B. socialism.
C. fascism.
D. capitalism.
Communist governments aim at distributing goods and services according to
A. gender and class.
B. loyalty to the party.
C. need and ability.
D. work and residence.